Explore the diverse application

of virtual reality for learning

Study Hacks

With virtual reality we can increase productivity in various ways . We will be able to practice in stimulated real life situation. Students might be able to practice presentation skills infront of virtual audience.

Virtual audience (board room )

Here using the virtual audience one can present to a virtual audience and get over their fear of presenting. One can present over and over again in front of the virtual audience in this way one a rectify their mistake and present better in real time. It will better to view it on vr Headset rather then in 360 degree video format.

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Virtual audience (classroom)

Here using the virtual audience one can present to a virtual audience and get over their fear of presenting. One can present over and over again in front of the virtual audience in this way one a rectify their mistake and present better in real time. It will better to view it on vr Headset rather then in 360 degree video format.

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Virtual audience (board room )

Here using the virtual audience one can present to a virtual audience and get over their fear of presenting. One can present over and over again in front of the virtual audience in this way one a rectify their mistake and present better in real time. It will better to view it on vr Headset rather then in 360 degree video format.

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Virtual audience (classroom)

Here using the virtual audience one can present to a virtual audience and get over their fear of presenting. One can present over and over again in front of the virtual audience in this way one a rectify their mistake and present better in real time. It will better to view it on vr Headset rather then in 360 degree video format.

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